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Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00
Medley & Sons Autobody is committed to complete customer satisfaction throughout every step of the vehicle restoration process, from the moment you contact us to the moment you drive away in your repaired vehicle. We take every precaution to ensure that your vehicle is repaired to pre-accident condition and that the final finish matches your original paint in both appearance and quality…to protect and preserve the value of your vehicle.
Ask about our lifetime warranty. Your car should stay repaired. We Guarantee it in writing.
Your vehicle will be repaired by neat, highly trained technicians. We don’t learn on your car.
With a qualifying repair, you will get your vehicle professionally cleaned, free of charge, 4 times a year by us for as long as you own it.
Your vehicle repairs can begin quickly because of our Direct Repair arrangements with most major insurance companies. You don’t need multiple estimates.
Mismatched paint shouts “bad job” & previous damage. You will get a baked–on professional paint job. Yours will look great.
You get 58 years of our caring, uncompromising quality in every repair. Your job is done right.
Exclusively from Medley & Sons for the vehicle owners in the Fort Smith area…
If you have an accident and have your vehicle repaired at Medley & Sons Autobody, you may never have to pay for a clean-up again.
Qualifying customers will receive 4 seasonal cleanups a year at NO Charge !!
Ask for details.